Starting A YouTube Channel | Experience
Now a days , Being on Social media is must and one of the most growing social media is YouTube . Everyone has like a youtube channel and that was when I thought to start with my own channel.
Now the first question for me was what my channel should be about - I came up with idea of making a channel about BOOKS . As I am a book lover and I used to read many Books also. (Advice - You should be passionate about it .)
Then the second step was to name my channel which is one of the most difficult task , so I thought that as my website Name is Charvi XO . So, why not to come with something related and I named it BOOKS LOVER XO .
Now I was ready with my channel and I started putting videos.
I have posted 3 videos till now as I started my channel now only . I have decided to put atleast 1 video every week .
I am also working hard on my content .
There is just one thing that a Youtuber needs and that is SUPPORT .
There's also a drill which every youtuber ask his followers to do and that is of Like 👍,Share , Comment and Subscribe to my channel.
Therefore it has became a global site where people showcase their talent and passion. People are having Blogging, Tech, Education,News and a lot more .
Do Support me !!! 🙏
Have a great day ahead !
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