5 Small Dog Breeds for Apartment's |Dogs 🐶
We love dogs but most of us can't keep due to living in apartments. So today I am gonna aprise you all with 5 dog breeds for apartments. 1. Chihuahua World's smallest dog and one of the cutest. These cute nuggets are low maintenance dogs in terms of grooming and exercise needs. Small spaces are ideal for them and they love to cuddle. However, these watchdogs are loud and talkative, so remember to provide early, consistent training. They do well with children but not small children and they don't like other dogs. Lifespan - 16 -20 years Price - Rs.6,000 to Rs. 25,000 2. Pomeranian World's third smallest dog. This cute fluffy dog is energetic fur-balls love to play, run, and jump all the time. Pomeranian are highly intelligent and always curious about what to do next! They have a heavy double coat which sheds a lot. The cons are that they bark a lot, shed a lot and they can be expensive...